
- 31/10/2017

GGULIVRR@Lodz 2017

GGULIVRR@Lodz 2017
Students design mobile applications about Academic Lodz!

 What is GGULIVRR@Lodz?This is the creation of mobile contextual games. But not only. The project is being created with the intention to develop and support students’ with technological competencies. It is also an initiative of unconventional ideas and searching for new technological solutions.
During the project there are presentations, workshops, discussions of young people from various European academic centers. Students participate in communication skills training, time management and innovation tutorials.
GGULIVRR has also become a platform for meetings of academics, practitioners and IT professionals. The greatest value of the project is that it integrates students of different cultures and with different education background. The project is a continuation of the competitions hosted by the University of Lodz in 2014-2016. The present edition of GGULIVRR@Lodz 2017

In this year's edition of GGULIVRR@Lodz students were asked to creat a prototype of the application representing the University of Lodz and the city of Lodz as the best place to study.

Students from seven European universities met and worked under apps’ concepts at the Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics of the University of Lodz between 11-23 September 2017. It was really international community - Artesis Hogeschool Antwerpen (Belgium), Centria Ammattikorkeakoulu (Finland), Dundalk Institute of Technology (Ireland), Instituto Superior Politécnico Gaya (Portugal), IUT of Lens (France) and University of Maribor (Slovenia). The project also provided the opportunity for direct interaction and exchanges of experience between the academic community and businesses. Participants from companies, practitioners and IT professionals were presenting the know-how and the latest solutions developed through their organizations, building a common space for people, technology and initiatives with students. The commercial partners as 9bits, Comarch, Accenture, ABB, Fujitsu, Google, SAP contributed in the project and support all participants with IT background. Students had an opportunity to participate in the Agile and Scrum workshop done by ABB and Ionic - mobile app framework run by FUJITSU.

The project received the honorary patronages of Rector of University of Lodz Antoni Różalski, the Mayor of City of Lodz Hanna Zdanowska and Mayor of Lodzkie District Witold Stępień. GGULIVRR@Lodz 2017 was also co-financed from the budget of the city of Lodz within the framework of the program „Lodz – the academic city” („Łódź akademicka”).


Final results of students work

19 October 2017 we could listen and watch the final presentations of students teams. There were 10 concepts presented - all very creative and full of ideas how Lodz academic community can introduce changes and promote city using mobile applications.
Visitors from IT companies were attracted by two prototypes. Companies are thinking about developing and commercializing student ideas. We are looking forward to further works under applications.

And what's next with GGULIVRR@Lodz?GGULIVRR@Lodz 2017 behinds us but the Organizing Committee and universities’ partners are thinking about the next edition in September2018.

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