

The Institute recognizes the high value that the library has, either in continuing training of teachers, both in the scientific training of the students. So it invests huge sums in the acquisition of scientific works that are made available to the whole school community.

Any user (whether or not the ISPGaya) has access via the Internet to the bibliographic collection, the result of an agreement established with the National Library. The library has a regulation itself should be consulted prior to the requisition of any book or magazine.

The opening hours of the library are from 15H to 21H monday to Thursday.

Computer Labs

The ISPGaya in their own plants five computer rooms totaling 141m2, equipped with computers. Are also converted into two theoretical Computer Labs rooms that are equipped with 16 laptops each. All laboratories described below can also be used as computer labs.

All school years there is concern about renewing the IT park, in order to be able to provide an adequate response to the latest versions of the software used in the various chairs of the courses, making use of computer equipment as a support or as a core discipline tool.

The computer labs are open to the entire community of ISPGaya, can the student, teacher or staff member, use any computer, since this is not a room in which a class derives that time.

The computers are networked, users can access various servers and services provided by ISPGaya, including free access to the Internet.

Laboratory Automation and Electropneumatics

In this space of about 29m2, can develop 12 students working simultaneously for jobs has 6 fully equipped with stand trial for pneumatic and PLC with Digital IO and Analog cards.

Laboratory of Digital Systems and Microprocessors

In this space of about 34m2, 18 students can develop work simultaneously because it has 9 workstations fully equipped with instrumentation (oscilloscope, signal generator and power supply). Each workstation also has computers connected to the network ISPGaya and includes free Internet access. It also has 10 portfolios, picture and table with computer for the teacher.

Laboratory of Electronics

In this space, about 39m2, 14 students can develop work simultaneously because it has 7 workstations fully equipped with instrumentation (oscilloscope, signal generator and power supply). Each workstation also has computers connected to the network ISPGaya and includes free Internet access. It also has 12 portfolios, picture and table with computer for the teacher

Laboratory of Electrical Machines and Power

In this space, about 29m2, 8 students can develop work simultaneously because it has 4 jobs consisting of stalls test for electrical machinery and specific instrumentation. Each of these jobs also have a computer connected to the network ISPGaya and includes free Internet access. In addition to the jobs this space also has a model of teaching electric power systems in the transport component and medium voltage power distribution. It also has 6 wallets, picture and table for the teacher.

Laboratory for Telecommunications

The ISPGaya in their own laboratory facilities Telecommunications, about 27m2, which is equipped with a range of equipment that allow the design and test various systems. This room has learning kits for AM and FM (generation and reception); tuned circuits and filters; digital modulations (ASK and FSK); measurement system and the design of antennas; measurement of microwave and fiber optic communications system system.

Materials Laboratory

Still in the installation phase, this space, about 25m2, is intended to test the resistance of materials where they can develop work 8 students simultaneously having several stalls test and test.

Laboratory Projects

In this space, about 49m2, 22 students can develop work simultaneously because it has 11 fully equipped work stations where students can develop all the practical work and project. This space is free access zone where you have the support of an electronic monitor that provides all the necessary support.

Each workstation has a computer connected to the network ISPGaya and includes free Internet access. In addition to the jobs this space also has MPS cells where students can experiment and develop their automation projects in real environments.

Computer Center of ISPGaya

Responsible for the operation of computer equipment offers a permanent technical between 9 and 23h providing all necessary support.


It is a place for leisure and socializing with various support and amusement equipment, such as cable TV, games machines and table football. It serves to hold events as charitable institution. The hours of operation of this service is from 10H to 22H every weekday.

Photocopying Center

The hours of operation of this service are Monday to Thursday from 15am to 21h

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