Aprendizagem ao longo da vida

Application of knowledge

The important balance between the knowledge and the application of the knowledge is a prime concern in our institution. The lecturers  team is supported, according to Portuguese legislation, with degrees from MsC to PhD.  Most of the lecturers have a strong connection beyond the university teaching.

Ensino Politécnico


We have several University partners within Europe. Erasmus and mobility programs are on the move too.



In Vila Nova de Gaia, ISPGaya is close to Porto and the famous Port Wine Cellars. With a moderate climate all over the year it's the perfect place for you to study.



You want to help Ukraine?

You want to help Ukraine?

2022-03-17 15:59:15

ISPGAYA hereby expresses and shares its solidar...


 Ukraine Scholarships

Ukraine Scholarships

2022-03-14 10:52:42

ISPGAYA, within the scope of its educational mi...



What we have for you:

  • 9 CTeSP
  • 5 Degrees
  • 1 Mestrado
  • 1 Pós-Graduação

Excellence in teaching

  • 1990

    34 Years of experience

  • +2500

    Trained Professionals

Projetos Cofinanciados

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