
Academic Services

The academic services whose main mission is to manage all administrative processes of social context, in particular, dealing with applications, enrollment, enrollment, issuance of licenses and certificates, support for students and teachers, evaluation of applications for scholarships offered by ISPGaya .

Issues ISPGaya

Responsible for Polytechnic Magazine and book publishing related academic subjects. + info

GREXT - Office of External Relations

 This department provides the interface with the environment (schools, businesses, media) through the dissemination of the institution through various media - advertising, participation in events, mailings, conferences and seminars. It is also responsible for the ISPGaya newsletter.

GEE - Office of Internships and Employment

With the aim of guiding students ISPGaya to the labor market, this case provides the interconnection with these potential employers. For this, an updated database of candidates and supply in order to make faster the recruitment process. + info

GASISPGaya - Office of Social Action ISPGaya

Its main objectives clarify and coordinate the provision of scholarships to ensure fairness in the allocation of social benefits to students in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Directorate General of Higher Education - Directorate of Student Support Services.

Tel:. 223745731 Email:

CIISP - Center of Computation ISPGaya

AEISPGaya - Students' Association ISPGaya

AAAISPGaya - Alumni Association of ISPGaya

Tuna Académica

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