
Educational Project

The ISPGaya aims to promote the full development of the personality of its students through a technical-scientific, socio-cultural and human integrated training.

Based on human values, ISPGaya gives important emphasis on personal and community dimension of the individual forming their students for responsible freedom, the openness to the future, the flexibility to change, solidarity with the world in which it is inserted, participatory responsibility , respect for the ideas and the awareness of others and the commitment to build human brotherhood.

The ISPGaya also seeks to stimulate the creation and dissemination of culture and science which is the heritage of humanity, through the publication of the magazine Polytechnic and editing documents, reports and books.

Presented training

The project's training ISPGaya based on a set of degrees, which is the structural benchmark Bologna declaration. The importance of mobility of students and teachers, the single European area, is an incentive for ISPGaya foster the integration of their students in the world of work, through an integrated training as referred to in the educational project.

As a complement, the provision of training extends to a number of Postgraduate.

The ISPGaya continuously measures the quality of training provided from the monitoring of trainees in businesses and the opinion of highly qualified professionals who participate in the process of formation in different courses. Moreover, accomplishes with regularity, a process of internal self-assessment, which follows on from the most recent guidelines of quality standards for education and training institutions (ISO 9000:2000)

Plano Estratégico do ISPGAYA

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