
What are Coronavirus and COVID-19?

Coronavirus is a virus that causes infections that affect the respiratory system, which can be similar to common colds or progress to a more serious disease, such as pneumonia. COVID-19 is the name given by the World Health Organization to identify the disease caused by the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.
What are the signs / symptoms associated with COVID-19?
The signs and symptoms of COVID-19 vary in severity, from the absence of symptoms (being asymptomatic) to fever (temperature ≥ 38.0ºC), cough, sore throat, tiredness and muscle pain and, in the most severe cases, severe pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, septicemia, septic shock and eventual death.
The data show that the worsening of the clinical situation can occur quickly, usually during the second week of the disease.
Recently, anosmia (loss of smell) and in some cases loss of taste has also been seen, as a symptom of COVID-19.
How is it transmitted?
COVID-19 is transmitted person-to-person through close contact with infected people (direct transmission), or through contact with contaminated surfaces and objects (indirect transmission).
Transmission by close contact occurs mainly through droplets released by the nose or mouth of infected people, when they cough or sneeze, and which can directly reach the mouth, nose and eyes of those close to them.
Droplets can settle on objects or surfaces that surround the infected person and thus infect other people when they touch these objects or surfaces with their hands, then touching their eyes, nose or mouth.
How can I prevent it?
  • Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing, with a tissue or forearm, never with your hands, and always throw the tissue in the trash;
  • Wash your hands frequently. You should wash them whenever you blow, sneeze, cough or after direct contact with sick people. You should wash them for 20 seconds with soap and water or with a 70% alcohol-based solution
  • Avoid close contact with people with respiratory infection
  • Avoid touching the face with your hands;
  • Avoid sharing personal objects or food that you have touched.
For more information:
Information - COVID 19
Erasmus + Program
Legislation, Dispatches, Circulars and Communiqués
On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19's International Public Health Emergency situation and, on March 11, 2020, considered COVID-19 as a pandemic.
Following this declaration, a series of measures aimed at citizens, companies and public and private entities, regarding the epidemiological infection by COVID-19 have been approved and published in the Diário da República.
The Diário da República Eletrônico ( provides this set of measures in chronological order ( ) of its publication and by thematic area (
Government website with information on Portugal's response to the Pandemic COVID-19 


Cartaz Covid 19

Comunicado MCTES - Fim de estado de emergencia - v30 abril 2020

MCTES - Recomendação e esclarecimento às instituições científicas e de ensino superior - 17.04.2020

Plano de Contingência - ISPGAYA

Levantamento progressivo das medidas de contenção COVID-19 

Recomendação às instituições científicas e de ensino superior para garantir o processo de reativação faseada e responsável das atividades na presença de estudantes, docentes e investigadores - 15/05/2020

Comunicado MCTES novo Ano Letivo 2020 - 04/08/2020

Orientações Ensino Superior - DGES-DGS - 04/08/2020

Recomendação às instituições científicas e de ensino superior no contexto das medidas extraordinárias do estado de emergência - 21/01/2021

"Apelo por todos e pelo SNS - A força da unidade para superar a ameaça pandémica” - 26/01/2021

Recomendação às instituições científicas e de ensino superior no contexto das medidas de desconfinamento controlado definidas pelo Governo - 11/03/2021

Comunicado MCTES - DGES - 15 abril 2021

Testagem - COVID19 | março 2021

Comunicado MCTES - DGES -19 de março 2021 - Condições de Testagem

Orientações Ensino Superior - DGES-DGS - 21/09/2021

Recomendação às instituições científicas e de ensino superior no contexto da retoma das
atividades letivas e não letivas presenciais

COVID-19: Procedimentos de atuação em contexto escolar

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