

Jornadas de Ciências Empresariais do ISPGAYA 2022: O desenvolvimento da sustentabilidade

The Business Science Days are one of the means that ESCE has to bring the academic environment closer to the business, to boost students' interest in structuring topics, contributing to the dissemination and consolidation of technical and scientific knowledge.

For the first edition of the Days, which takes place on March 9 and 10, 2022, the chosen theme is "The development of sustainability". Thus, it seeks to meet a current theme that is reflected in a business concern, in the investigations of the academic world, but which has implications throughout society and is possibly crucial for the survival of humanity.

By incorporating the word development into the word sustainability, we try to highlight possible trends in the evolution of the concept, but also to cover the way it manifests itself throughout society. However, the Days will focus on the intersection of this concept with the areas

Learn more here.


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