
- 28/02/2022

Docente do ISPGAYA inaugura o espaço Inspire

Ana Ferro, professor at ISPGAYA and hotel manager of training, is responsible for the Inspire project that "aims to be a means of dissemination, through the events it organizes", of "fantastic Portuguese producers". The inauguration of the space took place on February 18, in the city of Maia.

It is important to contextualize that Ana Ferro before carrying out this project, the entrepreneur worked in the area in which she graduated, as a worker on beplay, until 2015. That same year, he decided to make some changes in his life and, with this goal in mind, created his own company and dedicated himself to local accommodation.

Three years ago, there was a change again when she took over as a businesswoman in the area of event organization. For this reason, the connection to the hotel industry still remains, since, too, still teaches on the subject at ISPGAYA.

The Inspire project took its first steps as a brand at that time, and Ana Ferro dedicated herself to the realization of all kinds of initiatives, such as the already known Wines to Discover.

The opening of this physical space aims to inspire the realization of events that allow to present quality Portuguese producers. According to Ana Ferro, the main thing is that people enjoy an excellent moment with friends and family, always discovering something new produced in Portugal.

It is important that in the near future, people start checking the inspire space weekend schedule.


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