

Visita de estudo à unidade hoteleira Hotel Infante de Sagres (*****) e ao WOW

On January 28, 2022, the class of the 2nd year of CTeSP - Tourism Management, made a study visit within the curricular unit of Technical Operations in Hospitality, the hotel unit Hotel Infante de Sagres (*****) and WOW, with the following objectives:

Hotel Infante Sagres, technical visit:
• Visualize and frame the knowledge acquired in the various teaching sessions, with the best practices implemented;
• Know the different types of customers who visit this hotel, profile, expectations, reception, and care to be taken in the provision of services;
• Understand the articulation between several departments and teams / brigades, in the delivery and provision of a high quality service;
• Get to know the main historical landmarks of this emblematic hotel in the city of Porto.

HR session, at WOW:
• Know the historical evolution of the group;
• Understand what are the various brand of the group, products / services, location, integration and position in the group;
• Know the needs of human resources in the various companies that are the group's constituents, desired profiles, tasks, qualifications, proposals and perks offered.

We thank you all for sharing knowledge and friendliness.


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