

Search for your internship opportunity at AIESEC!

Are you a young man looking for challenges that enrich the curriculum? Do you want to leave your comfort zone and develop a large international network? Do you want to differentiate yourself when entering the job market?

If YES, you have to know more about AIESEC's internship opportunities!

AIESEC promotes international professional internships in which you can develop yourself personally by integrating into a new environment and a new culture and professionally while doing an international professional internship in your area of ​​study.

If you want to know more, you're in luck, because on the 20th there will be an information session where you can learn more about our professional internships and answer all your questions.

Signing up for this information session has no link or associated cost associated with it.

Take this opportunity and sign up to be present at our event, open to all young people between 18 and 30 years old, on the 20th at 5pm.

If you are unable to attend and want to know more, sign-up on our platform and you will be contacted within 24 hours.

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