

MentorART Program | Program dissemination and presentation session

On October 20th, you will have the opportunity to discover the MentorART Program.

The MentorART Program, an innovative structure in Portugal, which aims to support the integral development of students, especially those who are in vulnerable contexts, impacting their personal, social and educational path, as well as that of their community.

The Program focuses on the promotion of empowering relationships, through the creation of a network of mentors who support, inspire and train, in a school / extracurricular context, young students in basic education.
Since the objective is to maximize the impact of the intervention, training and continuous monitoring by specialist professionals, mentors who participate in the program, are ensured.

Thus, we have the MentorART Program team at ISPGAYA's premises to make you aware of this very important and challenging project.

Don't miss the OPPORTUNITY and get to know MentorART, between 2 pm and 4 pm, on the 2nd floor of ISPGAYA.


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