

Ceremony for the delivery of quality system certificates


At ISPGAYA, a ceremony for the delivery of quality certificates, referring to quality and quality in education, based on ISO 9001 and ISO 21001 standards, took place.

The certificates were delivered by the President of the EIC - International Certification Company, an organization accredited for this purpose by the Portuguese quality system.

This certification-performed by the assessment of compliance with the provisions of two standards:

1st. ISPGAYA's QMS meets the requirements of standard 9001: 2015:

The NP EN ISO 9001 standard is, par excellence, the standard for Quality Management Systems,
which defines an approach to all aspects related to quality and is amenable
to be applied to any type of organization.

2nd ISPGAYA complies with the requirements of ISO 21001: 2020:

This standard certifies our institution without respecting its Management System for
Education Organizations, that is, certify the compliance of their management system
with the requirements of the standards to its sector of activity.

Congratulations to ISPGAYA, for this step, in guaranteeing the Quality Teaching Offer.


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