
- 28/06/2019

Knowledge Train

The application for the Knowledge Train starts on June 28th.

The initiative, under the motto “Don't be afraid - give credit to your studies and come to know Portugal”, is part of the program “Studying more is necessary”. The Knowledge Train aims to stimulate the acquisition of skills and higher education, coupled with academic success, and promote knowledge of the territory for students who pass from the 1st to the 2nd year of higher education with academic achievement.

Students enrolled and enrolled for the first time in tertiary education in the 2018-2019 academic year in Higher Vocational Technical Courses (CTeSP), Undergraduate or Masters Degree and who have completed school in the 1st year of the study cycle, may benefit from an experience. Portugal, with various discounts and associated advantages.

Students can apply for vouchers through the portal, thus having access to a set of services:

    Spend seven consecutive days on urban, regional, interregional and intercity services for use by the end of 2019 on the CP network.
    Discounts at Movijovem-managed Youth Hostels: 6 nights accommodation in multiple room, including breakfast, for a total price of 50 €.
    EYC Youth Card Gift on request online.

It will be possible to share the experience on the Knowledge Train through APP Globestamp which, in addition to providing student roadmaps, also allows you to plan experiences, record memories and boost the spirit of healthy competition.

The Knowledge Train is an initiative promoted by the Government of Portugal, through the governing areas of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Planning, Education and Economy, with the partnership of CP - Comboios de Portugal, the Directorate General of Higher Education. , Higher Education Institutions, Student Associative Movement, Ciência Viva - National Agency for Scientific and Technological Culture, Movijovem, Turismo de Portugal and Globestamp.

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