
- 11/10/2019

World Tourism Day 2019

ISPGAYA faculty and students of the Tourism Degree and CTeSP - Tourism Management were actively involved in the organization and debate of the various themes proposed for the commemoration of World Tourism Day.

This event was attended by a panel of guest speakers of recognized merit, naturally counting on the honor of their presence and presiding over the opening of the order by Dr. José Manuel Ribeiro (Mayor of Valongo).

With regard to the conduction of the work, communication and moderation of the conference, it was up to Eng. Abílio da Cunha Vilaça, the task of focusing the debate on the various themes addressed, focusing essentially on the new paradigms of employability in tourism, regardless of gender, race , disability (s), sexual orientation, or other stigmas, prejudices and stereotypes.

Thank you all for your presence and knowledge sharing!

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