
- 25/11/2021

ISPGAYA - fire drill

On November 30th, at 5:15 pm, a fire drill will take place at ISPGAYA.

This simulacrum aims to test the readiness and functioning of the internal security plan and participation is mandatory for all people inside the premises.

The internal security plan allows the entire community to know the procedures and means available, in order to act effectively in response to emergency situations, safeguarding the physical integrity and well-being of everyone. The positive action / intervention scenarios in the plan are explosion, explosion, spillage of liquids or gas emissions, earthquake / landslide, bomb threat / suspicious package.

As such, it is always helpful to know how to go about it in order to be prepared to deal with these situations.

So, when an emergency situation is identified:

An alert is activated and the 1st alarm tone is heard

· Stay where you are, the Internal Emergency Team will check on the situation. It may be that the situation is resolved locally.

When you hear a 2nd alarm tone, it means that the immediate evacuation order has been activated:

· In a calm and orderly manner, go to the closest and safest exit;

· Follow emergency signs and do not use the elevator;

There are 3 emergency ports on ISPGAYA:

· Main door; (for floors (3 - 4 - 5 and 6));

· Rear door - next to the car park (for 1st floor);

· Side door, next to the bar (for floor 2);

In classrooms with classes in progress, the teacher is responsible for evacuating that space, so he must drive as safe people to the Meeting Point;

The Meeting Point is located at the main door of the building (no exterior, try to keep your physical distance).

Remain at the Meeting Point until you receive indications of the resolution of the situation.

Your safety is important, participate responsibly.

NOTE: With the pandemic situation in place, the use of a mask is mandatory, even if it takes place in a simulacrum context.


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