

Invitation: Top Sales Summit

 The Municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia and Inova.Gaia is honored to invite the ISPGAYA Community to participate in the Top Sales Summit event.

The Top Sales Summit, which will take place from July 13th to 15th, 2021 in a hybrid format, in person and online, will be the biggest event in the area of ​​sales ever held in Portugal, which will have the participation of more than 50 speakers national and international renowned companies (program in annex), asserting itself as a place for sharing information and knowledge.

This event, which aims to enhance networking, strengthen skills and transmit knowledge in an area as important for companies as sales, is clearly an opportunity not to be missed.

Inova.Gaia is pleased to offer a ticket for one participant, who can choose between face-to-face and online format, as well as a 15% discount on the purchase of other tickets.

If you are interested, please pre-register to:

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