

Webinar «Portugal: Discover the Master in Cybersecurity at ISPGAYA"

On July 22, ISPGAYA will hold a Webinar for all Brazilian students.

"Portugal: Meet the Master's Degree in Cybersecurity at ISPGAYA" will be the theme of this Webinar which will feature speakers: Sérgio Sargo (Professor at Instituto Superior Politécnico Gaya); Michel Menezes (Brazilian student in the final year of the Degree in Electronics and Automation at Instituto Policténico Gaya) and Gabriela Alves (Responsible for the Marketing Department and Foreign Affairs Office (GREXT) at ISPGAYA)

The Webinar aims to make known the institution and all the benefits of studying in Portugal. A Professor of the course, Dr. Sérgio Sargo, will make a presentation and will be available to answer all your questions about the Master in Cybersecurity and Computer Systems Auditing.

Don't miss it!

See yourself here.


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