

August 10 - Capture the Flag RCTS CERT 2021 - Invitation to participate

ISPGAYA Faculty and Student Community,

The RCTS CERT of the FCCN unit of the FCT, in collaboration with MetaRed Portugal, is responsible for organizing the 1st phase of the Metared International CTF 2021 and invites all ISPGAYA students, from any area, interested in Cybersecurity, to participate in the competition CTF, which will take place on August 10th, starting at 2 pm (mainland Portugal time).

Any team can apply. The CTF (Capture The Flag) is made up of cybersecurity challenges of varying levels.

The plus from this 1st phase is: "Our SOC (Security Operations Center) has been attacked. Help us find a solution!"

All information regarding the 1st phase of the CTF can be useful through the different websites:

Event website:

General information about the 2021 International MetaRed CTF:

Note: Capture The Flag (CTF) is a competition that proposes, to the participants, cybersecurity challenges, of the most varied levels, in which the objective is to capture a flag, that is, to solve the problem presented.


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