
- 21/04/2021

April 21st, 22nd and 23rd, Covid-19 testing at ISPGAYA, with the collaboration of the Red Cross

To the entire academic community of ISPGAYA.

Following the renewal of the declaration of a state of emergency, based on the verification of a situation of public calamity, operated by the Decree of the President of the Republic no. 41 -A / 2021, of April 14, the Government, under the terms of the Law 44/86, of September 30, came to regulate that decree of the President of the Republic through decree 7/2021 of 17.04.

In the case of higher education institutions, Decree 7/2021 of 17.04 provides for the possibility for higher education students to be subject to SARSCoV-2 diagnostic tests, if this is determined by the person in charge of the respective institution (Article 8). paragraph 1, paragraph b) and paragraph 2).

The realization of these tests, determined in the terms above, is a condition for the attendance of face-to-face classes. It is a measure to contain the transmission of the virus, protect public health and decidedly the entire school community.


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